Sunday, March 8, 2009

Over population

There are too many people in this world. 6.8 billion and counting, with the rate of population growth rising in a logarhythmic progression. That means that the line on the graph is heading to very nearly vertical.

If we are to maintain any kind of standard of living above a hovel and one sparse meal a day we have to stop breeding. Or at least bring population back down to a reasonable level. If all people in the world were to have the same standard of living today, as we wasteful Americans do, we would deplete what's left of the earth's resources within days.

Unfortunately, our current financial system requires an ever increasing consumer base. We are constantly surrounded by ads encouraging breeding. The stories of births of litters of children all at once, the crowing about which actress is pregnant or just had a baby, and the tax incentives that blunt the cost of having more and more children. And governments and religious leaders encourage more breeding to maintain the supply of cheap labor to enter wage slavery in order to serve the elites.

So like a cancer, homo sapiens is growing out of control. And like a cancer, we will destroy the body that gives us life.

Child bearing needs to become a privilege, not a right. It needs to be regulated. People who wish to have children should be carefully screened for suitability as a parent. They should be required to take parenting and child psychology classes, pass exams, both psychological and practical, and be licensed to have a child. While such measures might not entirely eliminate child abuse and poor parenting it would certainly reduce them significantly. Health screening should be required to keep people from passing on deadly familial diseases such as diabetes, hemophilia, and many others.

The number of children granted to licensees should be strictly limited. One child per family until the world's population is stabilized at a number that would give all peoples the opportunity for an adequate standard of living without resource depletion. Those who do not qualify as breeders should be sterilized to keep accidents from happening. Instead of giving a poor education to the multitudes, we could give an excellent education to every child. Every child would be a wanted child, a loved and valued child.

Read the articles below for more information on this subject.

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