Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hairless women?!

What is with this American obsession with hairless women. We can't have armpit hair, we can't have leg hair, and heaven forbid we should have pubic hair.

Women generally shave/wax these areas in order to be attractive to men. So what's with American men that they can't stand to see hair on a woman?

I think many American men are closet pedos. They want their women thin and hairless so they look more like little girls. Women get hair at puberty. Naturally hairless females are all prepubescent. Since preteen girls are off limits as sex objects American men go for the next best thing. The semblance of a preteen girl.

Guys need to grow up and accept women with hair. And women need to refuse to cater to the pedo dreams of men and stop shaving and waxing every square inch of their bodies.

Besides, when those tender areas grow back they itch like crazy.

Monday, March 9, 2009

On Being Human

Just because you were born into the species homo sapiens does not make you human. What determines whether you qualify as being human?

1. Being human means being without prejudice.

2. Being human means actively seeking peace.

3. Being human means promoting fairness and justice.

4. Being human means caring for others.

5. Being human means being humane.

6. Being human means affirming life.

7. Being human means being self aware.

8. Being human means being non-violent.

9. Being human means shunning religious dogma that would remove others' rights to their own beliefs.

10. Being human means seeking unity with the natural world.

By these standards 99.9% of the species homo sapiens are not human. Being human must be earned. It is not automatic.

Until people actively seek to achieve humanity, until they aspire to that goal, the world will continue to teeter on the brink of collapse. Violence of all kinds will continue to afflict the world and we will suffer needlessly from the culture of violence.

Living on a spaceship

How do you survive and thrive on a self-contained spaceship? If you had no resources other than what were carried on the ship, traveling through deepest space, what would be needed to maintain a healthy environment? What would you do with your waste? How would you use your limited resources in the most efficient way?

Would you dispose of bodily waste in your drinking/cooking water? Would you toss used items, broken things, out of date things out into space? Or create a trash pile that grew bigger and bigger as you threw away more things? Until there was nothing left with which to make replacements?

How would you power your space ship and all the machinery that would be required? Would you use a finite source of energy that would eventually run out? Would you pipe the emissions back into your living space to pollute the limited air that you need to survive?

Would you breed continually until your ship was so crowded that people turned against each other and only a few were able to afford to live well by force of arms?

Would your space ship survive if you allowed these things to happen? Or would it become a lifeless toxic waste after a period of time, unable to support life?

Essentially this is what we're doing to our world. It is a space ship. A very large one to be sure. But still finite. 6.8 billion people and growing by millions each day, are turning this world into a toxic waste. The pressures of population growth, resource depletion, and pollution are already increasing regional conflicts. Our economic system encourages the destruction of our space ship world. We are destroying that upon which we depend. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the resources we need to live above a primitive level, are being destroyed and misused in the name of profit.

Population control measures need to be initiated world wide. The petroleum economy needs to be abandoned. Global corporations need to be reined in and have strict controls placed on them in order to reduce their abuses against peoples, the environment and civilized laws. 100% literacy should be pursued throughout the world. Education is key to reducing poverty rates, religious fundamentalism, and population growth.

For a very good read about much the same thing try David Korten's Agenda For a New Economy.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Over population

There are too many people in this world. 6.8 billion and counting, with the rate of population growth rising in a logarhythmic progression. That means that the line on the graph is heading to very nearly vertical.

If we are to maintain any kind of standard of living above a hovel and one sparse meal a day we have to stop breeding. Or at least bring population back down to a reasonable level. If all people in the world were to have the same standard of living today, as we wasteful Americans do, we would deplete what's left of the earth's resources within days.

Unfortunately, our current financial system requires an ever increasing consumer base. We are constantly surrounded by ads encouraging breeding. The stories of births of litters of children all at once, the crowing about which actress is pregnant or just had a baby, and the tax incentives that blunt the cost of having more and more children. And governments and religious leaders encourage more breeding to maintain the supply of cheap labor to enter wage slavery in order to serve the elites.

So like a cancer, homo sapiens is growing out of control. And like a cancer, we will destroy the body that gives us life.

Child bearing needs to become a privilege, not a right. It needs to be regulated. People who wish to have children should be carefully screened for suitability as a parent. They should be required to take parenting and child psychology classes, pass exams, both psychological and practical, and be licensed to have a child. While such measures might not entirely eliminate child abuse and poor parenting it would certainly reduce them significantly. Health screening should be required to keep people from passing on deadly familial diseases such as diabetes, hemophilia, and many others.

The number of children granted to licensees should be strictly limited. One child per family until the world's population is stabilized at a number that would give all peoples the opportunity for an adequate standard of living without resource depletion. Those who do not qualify as breeders should be sterilized to keep accidents from happening. Instead of giving a poor education to the multitudes, we could give an excellent education to every child. Every child would be a wanted child, a loved and valued child.

Read the articles below for more information on this subject.



The Fall of Capitalism

All the problems in the world today can be blamed squarely on the cancer that is capitalism. Whether it be over population, environmental destruction, rampant crime, or the widening gap between the obscenely rich and the rest of us, these are all symptoms of capitalism's pathology.

Capitalism, as engendered in the predatory mega corporations, whose only mandate is to maximize profit, requires an ever increasing consumer base in order to survive. As we have seen in the past few months, when consumption suddenly drops, the capitalist economy teeters precariously on the verge of total collapse.

In order for there to be an ever increasing consumer base, new consumers have to be created. If you create them by increasing the rate of population growth you are worsening over population on a finite world. If you create new consumers from people who have not yet fallen into the capitalist trap, you are increasing demand for more stuff, which requires more resources. The production and consumption of more stuff puts more and more strain on the environment.

Capitalism is very good at what it does... at least until the bubble bursts. It's very good at expropriating wealth for the wealthy. The wealthy do nothing to create anything or work to make something. Their money does all the work for them. And capitalism makes sure that wealth is collected by the wealthy. And the myth of the entrepreneur making a fortune from hard work and a good idea is just that. The vast majority of people in this world will never have the opportunity or the sheer luck of becoming wealthy.

And while the rich get richer the poor are sinking in a cess pool of poverty from which they can never hope to climb out. This drives many to lives of crime to make some small dent in their perceived lack. As the poor fall farther into poverty and the middle class becomes the poor crime rises.

Now there are TINAs (there is no alternative) who will tell you that free and unfettered capitalism is the only option to drive the world's economy. Any other option, such as socialism or communism have proven failures. They fail to mention that true socialism or communism, minus the avariscious dictators, and true to their theorists' ideals would be more equitable than capitalism as we know it. But there are alternatives put forward by an inspired few that utilize capitalism's strengths while dealing with it's weaknesses in order to create an economy that is more egalitarian and more environmentally sustainable.

In a later post I will give examples from various authors I have studied.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

OMG!!! It's pink!!!

About now you might be asking yourself why on earth she chose pink for a background. A perfectly reasonable question.

It has been shown by studies that pink is the most peaceful color and has been proven to calm psychiatric patients. Thus, the color used in padded rooms for the extremely agitated psych patient is pink.

I thought it was an appropriate color for a blog. It will bring calm to you when you read something I have written that you violently disagree with. And there is likely to be much of that.

More later, as I am writing this at work and it's getting busy.